
Artisan Bread Day 7- Rye

We first baked off the Gold rush from the day before. We ran out of time on day 6, so we just retarded everything.

Gold Rush
Gold Rush

Pain au Levain
Being Team 1 I shaped a mixed and vermont that was bulk retarded yesterday. Preshape was at 645. Final shape 705. and baked at 745
Vermont Sour

Bulk retard VS shape and retard VS same day

We compared the difference between the three kinda of doughs: Bulk retarded, shaped and retarded, and same day. The Bulk retarded dough had a redder tone to the crust, a great amount of fish eyes (bubble on the skin), and a more open crumb, the flavor was buttery, rich, sour, and sweet. The Same day bread, while being very good, had a duller crust and was dense. The Shaped and retarded dough was perfectly in between the two. It had fish eyes, smelled like vinegar and was very sour.

Rye Preferment

We had a chance to bake the flaxseed rye in the wood burning oven outside

Light Rye

Light Rye
Light Rye
Rye has large amounts of amylase so it has a fast fermentation time
For the 80% there was a whole rye soaker with boiling water to control the amylase. 
The 80% was barely touched at all- it tore very easily
it was proofed in a banneton and baked seamside up
80% Rye

80% Rye