
fancy cookies


butter 8oz
sugar 4oz
egg 1
vanilla 1tsp
salt 1/4 tsp
Cake Flour 10oz

soft butter and sugar- creaming speed 1
-pale yellow
add eggs speed 2
keep emulsion

add flour (sifted) . speed 1
scoop butter mixture to one side and flour the other

piping bag- rosettes
tip #826
witha wet finger press down and make a hole in center

fill with apricot jam
tip #2

bake 350 degrees 10 mins

Langue du Chat
translastion- cat tongues (like lady fingers)
5.96 butter
2.98 sugar
2.98 Powdered sugar
4.25 egg whites
5.11 cake flour
1.7 bread flour

cream butter and sugar- speed 1
add egg whites slowly - speed 2
add (sifted flour)
piping bag
#804 tip
2 inched long

bake 10 min 350 degrees

-always sift for cake flour
- if pastry mostly sift only not when mixing alot

fill with jam- like a sandwich- between two cookies

Almond Tuiles
1.5 butter
2 Pastry Flour
1.5 egg whites
1.75 Cake Flour
1.25 Almonds

cream sugar and butter
add eggs
add egg slowly
add flour

cut out a stencil- circle in my case
on a silpat
fill in the stencil
pull beck the stencil
SHOCKER a beautiful circle cookie