1 lb Chocolate
1/2 lb Butter
6 whole eggs
chocolate and butter in double boiler- whisk constantly
when chocolate is melted and hot add the eggs one at a time
add flavor (cinnamon vanilla etc)
if broken take off heat and whisk thoroughly
it should not be grainy or slippery
in genoise pan parchment circle only spray the bottom
(or ring with Saran wrap and foil)
place in a water bath
410 degrees for 5 min
let set than put in fridge over night
Flourless Chocolate Cake
6oz butter
20oz chocolate
4.5oz sugar (whites)
4.5oz sugar (yolks)
3oz Cocoa
20 Eggs, separated
whites and sugar-whipped soft peak
butter and chocolate- double boiler- melted
yolks and sugar hand whisk
fold cocoa chocolate and yolk
and whites and fold
9 in mold- sprayed very well, parchment paper
water bath
300 degrees 1-2 hr
rim shoud spring back when touched
flip over when done
Chocolate Obsession / Lava Cake
160g Egg yolk
400g Whole eggs
400g Butter
300g Chocolate
200g Flour
400g Powdered sugar
Spray souffle cup ancoat with croquant
about 7
butter and chocolate in double boiler
add yolks first- whisk in
add eggs one at a time
add sifted sugar
add sifted flour slowly
add flavor
done when rim feels spongy
turn around 1/2 way through
turn around 1/2 way through
12-13 min
2 eggs, separted
50g sugar
flavoring about 1 oz
whip whites with 1/2 sugar
hand whisk yolks with 1.2 suagr
fold together
add flavoring
in souffle mold spray and coat with sugar
fill up to lip
410 degrees 12-13 min
top should be brown