

custards include creme caramel, creme brulee, rice pudding
stirred cusetards include pastry cream
- if over bake creme caramel it becomes rubbery
use hor water for water bath

Panna Cotta
Milk 10oz
Gelatin 4 sheets
Heavy cream 10oz
Vanilla 5g
sugar 4oz

bloom gelatin- hot water

sauce pan- heat cream, milk, and sugar- medium heat
add vanilla
bring to almost a boil
turn off heat add gelatin

pour into molds
out in freezer
when completely solid flip over and serve

Creme Caramel
Eggs 16oz
Vanilla .5oz
suagar 8oz
suagar 6oz
salt 1/2 tsp
water 2oz

heat water and suagar until caramel stage- light amber
pour out into cups- equal amounts

milk and vanilla in a pan, scald the milk
whisk the eggs and sugar
pour milk into eggs
scrape off bubbles
pour into cups

place the cups in a pan and fill halfway up with water
bake at 350 for 25 min

they are done when the custard jiggles only slightly

- the purpose of the hot water is to ensure that the custard cooks evenly on the outside and inside

Creme Brulee
Brown sugar 8oz
Heavy cream, hot 3 pt
Egg yolks 12oz
vanilla 1 1/2 tsp
sugar 6oz
salt 3/4 tsp

heat the cream
whisk eggs and suagr
srir hot cream into eggs
add vanilla and salt
strain if necessary.
divide in cups about 1in deep
place cups in a pan and fill halfway with water
bake 325 until set