Powdered Sugar 12 1/2oz
Almond Meal 4 1/2 oz
Bread Flour 4 3/4oz
Baking Powder 2/3oz
Vanilla Extract 1 tsp
Trimoline (invert sugar) 1 1/8oz
Butter, Browned 6 3/4oz
Egg Whites 12 5/8oz
Whisk together the dry ingredients
add trimoline and vanilla
add 1/2 of the egg white and whisk so a paste forms
add the other half
add the brown butter
baked at 375 until golden brown, around 15 min
Sugar 7 1/2oz
Brown sugar 1 1/8oz
Salt 1/8 tsp
Honey 1 1/2oz
Eggs 10 1/8oz
Pastry Flour 9 1/8oz
Baking Powder 1 1/2oz
Butter9 1/8oz
Rub soft butter in the molds- don't spray
Whisk together dry ingredients
add honey, butter, and eggs- fold in
let the batter sit over night so a nice hump can form
once pipped out- let sit in mold 1 hour
bake at 375
edges should be crispy and center spongy
deck oven 8 bottom, 8 top